Cardboard Christmas tree
Cardboard Christmas tree that you can store flat-packed and use again and again.
The tree has a lamp i the middle so that you can light it from the inside.
The tree is very easy to assemble - and perfect as a christmas activity.
The tree is aprox: 1 m tall.
Lamp is included.
It is made by the Hungarian designer Lívia Szollosi, who works with paper and carboard.By chance Lívia came by the shop last summer with a group of travelling artists which led to this collaboration.

Dansk kunsthåndværk i fokus
Opdag et bredt udvalg af unikke kunsthåndværk og håndlavede produkter.

Ekstra glæde i hver pakke
Du støtter en taknemmelig lille fisk, der arbejder med kunsthåndværkere og små brands.

Genbrug med omtanke
Hvis pakken roder lidt, er det fordi vi stræber efter at genbruge emballage så godt vi kan.